Friday, September 6, 2013

Pens Ablaze

On Friday, Sept 6 Pens Ablaze writer's group met for the first time at the FireEscape. Here are a few things we talked about:
        Good critiquing will sandwich a more negative comment about the writer's work between two good comments, or things you liked about their writing.
        Good critiqu-ers will remember that you are not "attacking" the writer, you are focusing on positive suggestions that will help your friend improve their writing.
        When you are reading or offering your work to be read do not apologize for your writing. Be proud of what you did!

      Although it will be hard to open yourself up to someone "taking apart" your writing, or criticizing your story, try to remember the benefits. Your writing will get better, you'll begin seeing the mistakes you make more regularly and your story will be lovingly improved!

     More critiquing tips and suggestions will be posted here and discussed in our next meeting.

Next Friday, please think about bringing something you've written to read aloud. I'll be bringing something too. Don't be afraid! :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Write my answer on a billboard, large and clear, so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell the others." 
        Habakkuk 2:2

Monday, April 8, 2013

Why Write?

Maybe you would like to tell stories that capture the imaginations of lots of people. Maybe you know you need to get better at expressing your thoughts on paper. Maybe you've been reading great books and saying to yourself, "I could write a good book too!"

What about writing as a way to spread the message of God's hope?

Everything we do can help others see how God's hope is here for them. No matter how old we are, God can use our obedience to reveal Himself to the people around us. We'll talk more in another post about dreaming big, but right now we can think about our immediate circles of friends and family. You can impact others for God, even if you think you're too shy or quiet.

Imagine if you wrote something and shared it with one other person. Maybe you let them read a poem or a short story you wrote. Lots of times the people around us are going through things that they don't tell anyone else about.

The poem or story you share may be a glimpse of light that will help that person get through a dark time.

God can use you! Don't begin to believe a lie that you don't matter. God gave you something to say. He gave you a way to say it; with kind acts, works of art, written and spoken words and lots of other expressions of His heart. He wants you to be involved in showing His love and hope to the people around you.

This blog will be a way we can connect and encourage each other about writing. Please comment, let your voice be heard here especially!

Have you ever shared something you wrote? How hard was it to let someone read it?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Write Now!

I just read a quote that said, "writers are people who volunteer for homework for the rest of their lives." Writing seems to be in my heart and I just can't get away! I'm having fun chasing my dream and hoping to inspire many to chase their dreams too.
So this message is to me, mainly:
Stop making excuses and write now! Don't be scared or worried about how it will turn out, just write. God uses us when we are willing to step out.

Lets encourage each other to listen for how we can follow God and be bold! Lets read and write and talk about it all! I can't wait to hear what you're writing and see where God takes us all.